verbo auxiliar Conjugation
1. | [en tiempos compuestos]
Conjugation to have
lo he/había hecho I have/had done it los niños ya han comido the children have already eaten en el estreno ha habido mucha gente there were a lot of people at the premiere |
2. | [expresa reproche]
haber venido antes you could have come a bit earlier ¡haberlo dicho! why didn't you say so? |
3. | [expresa obligación]
haber de hacer algo to have to do something has de estudiar más you have to study more |
verbo impersonal Conjugation
1. | [existir, estar]
hay there is/are hay mucha gente en la calle there are a lot of people in the street había/hubo muchos problemas there were many problems habrá dos mil [expresa futuro] there will be two thousand [expresa hipótesis] there must be two thousand |
2. | [expresa obligación]
haber que hacer algo to have to do something hay que hacer más ejercicio one o you should do more exercise habrá que soportar su mal humor we'll have to put up with his bad mood |
3. | (loc)
algo habrá there must be something in it allá se las haya that's his/her/your etc. problem habérselas con alguien to face o confront somebody ¡hay que ver! well I never! lo habido y por haber everything under the sun no hay de qué don't mention it ¿qué hay? (familiar) [saludo] how are you doing? |
sustantivo masculino
1. | [bienes] assets pl |
2. | [en cuentas, contabilidad] credit (side) |
sustantivo masculino plural
[sueldo] remuneration (uncountable noun)