
sustantivo femenino
1. [reunión]   party
[de pueblo etc]   (local) festivities pl
 fiesta benéfica   fête
 fiesta de disfraces   fancy-dress party
 fiesta mayor  local celebrations for the festival of a town's patron saint
 la fiesta nacional   bull fighting
 aguar la fiesta a alguien   to spoil somebody's fun
 no estar para fiestas   to be in no mood for joking
2. [día]   public holiday
 ser fiesta   to be a public holiday
 hacer fiesta   to be on holiday



sustantivo femenino plural
[vacaciones]   holidays

The Spanish word fiesta has long since entered the vocabulary of English, largely due to the centrality of such celebrations in the Spanish-speaking world. There are a number of national holidays when offices are likely to be closed or short-staffed - notably during “Semana Santa” (Easter) and in August. There are also annual regional and local celebrations, and these can also mean little important business can be done. For example, Valencia has its “Fallas” (a week-long celebration based on fireworks and bonfires) in March, while Pamplona has its nine day “Sanfermines” (with the famous running of the bulls through the streets) in July.

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Complétez la séquence avec la forme conjuguée au conditionnel à la personne indiquée.

  • Si fuerais mayores, (vosotros, conducir) … el coche.