
verbo transitivo Conjugation
1. [aguardar]   Conjugation to wait for
 esperar a que alguien haga algo   to wait for somebody to do something
2. [tener esperanza de]
 esperar que   to hope that
 espero que sí   I hope so
 espero que no   I hope not
 esperar hacer algo   to hope to do something
3. [tener confianza en]   Conjugation to expect
 esperar que   to expect (that)
 esperar algo de alguien   to expect something from somebody, to hope for something from somebody
4. [ser inminente para]   Conjugation to await, to be in store for
 nos esperan muchas dificultades   many difficulties await us



verbo intransitivo Conjugation
[aguardar]   Conjugation to wait
 espera y verás   wait and see
 como era de esperar   as was to be expected
 hacer esperar a alguien   to keep somebody waiting, to make somebody wait
 quien espera desespera (prov)   a watched pot never boils (prov)



verbo pronominal Conjugation
1. [imaginarse, figurarse]   Conjugation to expect
2. [aguardar]   Conjugation to wait
 esperarse a que alguien haga algo   to wait for somebody to do something

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Choisissez la forme conjuguée à l'imparfait du subjonctif à la personne indiquée.

  • beber – vosotros