
verbo transitivo Conjugation
1. [generalmente]   Conjugation to give
[baile, fiesta]   Conjugation to hold, Conjugation to give
[naipes]   Conjugation to deal
 dar algo a alguien   to give something to somebody, to give somebody something
2. [producir - generalmente]   Conjugation to give, Conjugation to produce
[ - frutos, flores]   Conjugation to bear
[ - beneficios, intereses]   Conjugation to yield
3. [suj: reloj]   Conjugation to strike
 el reloj ha dado las doce   the clock struck twelve
4. [suministrar luz etc - por primera vez]   Conjugation to connect
[ - tras un corte]   to turn back on
[encender]   Conjugation to turn o switch on
5. CINE & TEATRO & TV   Conjugation to show
[concierto, interpretación]   Conjugation to give
6. [mostrar - señales etc]   Conjugation to show
 dar pruebas de sensatez   to show good sense
7. [untar con]   Conjugation to apply
 dar barniz a una silla   to varnish a chair
8. [provocar - gusto, escalofríos etc]   Conjugation to give
 me da vergüenza/pena   it makes me ashamed/sad
 me da risa   it makes me laugh
 me da miedo   it frightens me
 si no se calla me va a dar algo (familiar)   if he doesn't shut up soon, I'll go mad
 si sigues trabajando así te va a dar algo (familiar)   you can't go on working like that
9. (familiar) [fastidiar]   Conjugation to ruin
 es tan pesado que me dio la tarde   he's so boring that he ruined the afternoon for me
10. [expresa acción]
 dar un grito   to give a cry
 dar un vistazo a   to have a look at
 darle un golpe/una puñalada a alguien   to hit/stab somebody
 voy a dar un paseo   I'm going (to go) for a walk
11. [considerar]
 dar algo por   to consider something as
 eso lo doy por hecho   I take that for granted
 dar a alguien por muerto   to give somebody up for dead
12. (loc)
 donde las dan las toman   you get what you deserve
 no dar una   to get everything wrong



verbo intransitivo Conjugation
1. [repartir - en naipes]   Conjugation to deal
2. [horas]   Conjugation to strike
 han dado las tres en el reloj   three o'clock struck
3. [golpear]
 le dieron en la cabeza   they hit him on the head
 la piedra dio contra el cristal   the stone hit the window
4. [accionar]
 dar a [llave de paso]   to turn
[botón, timbre]   to press
5. [estar orientado]
 dar a [suj: ventana, balcón]   to look out onto, to overlook
[suj: pasillo, puerta]   to lead to
[suj: casa, fachada]   to face
6. [encontrar]
 dar con algo/alguien   to find something/somebody
 he dado con la solución   I've hit upon the solution
7. [proporcionar]
 dar de beber a alguien   to give somebody something to drink
 le da de mamar a su hijo   she breast-feeds her son
8. [ser suficiente]
 dar para   to be enough for
9. [motivar]
 dar que hablar   to set people talking
 aquello me dio que pensar   that made me think
10. [expresa repetición]
 le dieron de palos   they beat him repeatedly with a stick
11. [coger costumbre]
 darle a uno por hacer algo   to get it into one's head to do something
 le dio por la gimnasia   she's taken it into her head to start gymnastics
12. (loc)
 dar de sí [ropa, calzado]   to give, to stretch
 no dar más de sí o para más [persona, animal]   not to be up to much any more
 te digo que pares y tú ¡dale (que dale)!   I've told you to stop, but you just carry on and on!



verbo pronominal Conjugation
1. [suceder]   Conjugation to occur, Conjugation to happen
 se da pocas veces   it rarely happens
2. [entregarse]
 darse a [droga etc]   to take to
3. [golpearse]
 darse contra   to bump into
4. [tener aptitud]
 se me da bien/mal el latín   I'm good/bad at Latin
5. [considerarse]
 darse por   to consider oneself (to be)
 darse por vencido   to give in
6. (loc)
 dársela a alguien [engañar]   to take somebody in
 se las da de listo   he makes out (that) he is clever

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