verbo transitivo Conjugation
1. | [generalmente] Conjugation to cover |
2. | [proteger] Conjugation to protect |
3. | [disimular] Conjugation to cover up, Conjugation to hide |
4. | [puesto, vacante] Conjugation to fill |
cubrir de
verbo transitivo
cubrir de algo a alguien to heap something on somebody
verbo pronominal Conjugation
1. | [taparse]
cubrirse (de) to become covered (with) |
2. | [protegerse]
cubrirse (de) to shelter (from) |
3. | [con sombrero] to put one's hat on |
4. | [con ropa]
cubrirse (con) to cover oneself (with) |
5. | [cielo] Conjugation to cloud over |
6. | (loc)
cubrirse de gloria [triunfar] to cover oneself in o with glory (irón) to land oneself in it |