verbo transitivo Conjugation
1. | [transmitir - sentimientos, ideas]
Conjugation to convey [ - movimiento, virus] Conjugation to transmit |
2. | [información]
comunicar algo a alguien to inform somebody of something, to tell somebody something |
verbo intransitivo Conjugation
1. | [hablar - generalmente]
Conjugation to communicate [ - al teléfono] Conjugation to get through [escribir] to get in touch |
2. | [dos lugares]
comunicar con algo to connect with something, to join something |
3. | [suj: el teléfono] to be engaged (UK), to be busy (US) |
verbo pronominal Conjugation
1. | [hablarse] Conjugation to communicate (with each other) |
2. | [dos lugares] to be connected |
3. | [propagarse] Conjugation to spread |