verbo transitivo Conjugation
1. | [COM
- dinero]
Conjugation to charge [ - cheque] Conjugation to cash [ - deuda] Conjugation to collect cantidades por cobrar amounts due ¿me cobra, por favor? how much do I owe you? |
2. | [en el trabajo] Conjugation to earn, to be paid |
3. | [adquirir - importancia]
Conjugation to get, Conjugation to acquire
cobrar fama to become famous |
4. | [sentir - cariño, afecto]
to start to feel
cobrarle afecto a alguien to take a liking to somebody |
verbo intransitivo Conjugation
1. | [en el trabajo] to get paid |
2. | (familiar)
[recibir una paliza]
to catch it
¡vas a cobrar! you'll be in for it! |
verbo pronominal Conjugation
el accidente se cobró nueve vidas nine people were killed in the crash