verbo transitivo Conjugation
1. | [reparar]
Conjugation to fix, Conjugation to repair
[ropa] Conjugation to mend |
2. | [ordenar] Conjugation to tidy (up) |
3. | [solucionar] Conjugation to sort out |
4. | MÚS Conjugation to arrange |
5. | [acicalar]
Conjugation to smarten up
[cabello] Conjugation to do |
6. | [adornar - cuarto etc] Conjugation to decorate, to fit out |
7. | (familiar)
¡ya te arreglaré! I'm going to sort you out! |
verbo pronominal Conjugation
1. | [apañarse]
arreglarse (con algo) to make do (with something) arreglárselas (para hacer algo) to manage (to do something) |
2. | [acicalarse] Conjugation to smarten up |