verbo transitivo Conjugation
1. | [en el agua]
Conjugation to drown
[asfixiar] Conjugation to smother, Conjugation to suffocate |
2. | [estrangular] Conjugation to strangle |
3. | [extinguir] Conjugation to extinguish, Conjugation to put out |
4. | (figurado)
[controlar - levantamiento]
Conjugation to put down, Conjugation to quell [ - pena] Conjugation to hold back, Conjugation to contain |
5. | [motor] Conjugation to flood |
verbo pronominal Conjugation
1. | [en el agua] Conjugation to drown |
2. | [asfixiarse] Conjugation to suffocate |
3. | (figurado) [de calor] to be stifled |