verbo transitivo Conjugation
1. | [ropa] Conjugation to rinse |
2. | [explicar] Conjugation to clarify, Conjugation to explain |
3. | aclarar la voz [carraspeando] to clear one's throat |
4. | [lo oscuro] to make lighter |
5. | [lo espeso - chocolate, sopa]
Conjugation to thin (down) [ - bosque] to thin out |
verbo impersonal Conjugation
1. | [amanecer] to get light |
2. | [clarear, despejarse] Conjugation to clear up |
verbo pronominal Conjugation
1. | [entender] Conjugation to understand |
2. | [explicarse] to explain o.s. |
3. | [ver claro] to see clearly |