verbo transitivo Conjugation
1. | [generalmente]
Conjugation to open
[alas] Conjugation to spread [melón] to cut open |
2. | [agua, gas]
Conjugation to turn on
[luz] Conjugation to switch on |
3. | [puerta]
Conjugation to unlock, Conjugation to open
[pestillo] Conjugation to pull back [grifo] Conjugation to turn on [cremallera] Conjugation to undo |
4. | [túnel]
Conjugation to dig
[canal, camino] Conjugation to build [agujero, surco] Conjugation to make |
5. | abrir el apetito to whet one's appetite |
6. | [encabezar - lista]
Conjugation to head [ - manifestación] to lead |
verbo intransitivo Conjugation
[establecimiento] Conjugation to open
verbo pronominal Conjugation
1. | [sincerarse]
abrirse a alguien to open up to somebody, to confide in somebody |
2. | [comunicarse]
abrirse (con) to be more open (with) |
3. | [posibilidades] Conjugation to open up |
4. | [cielo] Conjugation to clear |
5. | (mfam) [irse] Conjugation to clear off |