
verbo transitivo
1. [restituire]
 rendere qc a qn   to give sthg back to sb
 rendere giustizia a qn   to deliver justice to sb
2. [ricambiare]
 rendere qc a qn   to return sthg to sb
 a buon rendere!   I hope to return the favour
3. [dare, rappresentare]   Conjugation to render
 rendere lode/onore/grazie a qn   to praise/honour (UK) o honor (US) /thank sb
 rendere un servizio a qn   to do sb a service
 rendere testimonianza al processo   to give evidence in court
 rendere conto (a qn) di qc   to account (to sb) for sthg
 rendersi conto di qc   to realize sthg
 rendere l'idea   to make o.s. clear
4. [fruttare]   Conjugation to yield
 un'attività che rende bene   a very profitable business
5. [far diventare]   Conjugation to make



verbo riflessivo
[apparire]   to make o.s.
 rendersi ridicolo/utile   to make o.s. ridiculous/useful



verbo intransitivo pronominale
[diventare]   Conjugation to become

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Complétez la phrase avec le mot qui convient.

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