
verbo transitivo
1. [osservare - oggetto, paesaggio]   Conjugation to look at
[ - cosa o persona in movimento, film, partita]   Conjugation to watch
 guardare le vetrine   to go window-shopping
 guardare la tv   to watch TV
 stare a guardare   to (stand and) watch
 guarda caso   by chance
 guarda un po'!   just look!
 non guardare in faccia a nessuno   to not care about anyone else
2. [sorvegliare - prigioniero]   Conjugation to guard
[ - posto]   to keep a watch on
[ - bagagli]   to keep an eye on
[ - bambino]   Conjugation to look after



verbo intransitivo
1. [badare]
 guarda di chiudere bene la porta   make sure you shut the door properly
2. [considerare]
 guardare a qn/qc   to look on sb/sthg
 ho sempre guardato a lui come a un amico   I've always looked on him as a friend
 guardare al futuro   to look to the future
3. [dare su]
 guardare verso o su qc   to look onto sthg
 guardare a o verso ovest/nord   to face west/north



verbo riflessivo
1. [se stesso]   to look at o.s.
 guardarsi allo specchio   to look at o.s. in the mirror
2. [proteggersi]
 guardarsi da qn/qc   to beware of sb/sthg
 guardarsi (bene) dal fare qc   to make sure not to do sthg
3. [l'un l'altro]   to look at each other

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