[ˈtrʌbl]noun (uncountable noun)
1. | [bother]
molestia f
[difficulty, main problem] problema m to tell somebody one's troubles contarle a alguien sus problemas would it be too much trouble to ask you to ...? ¿tendría inconveniente en ...? to be in trouble tener problemas to have trouble doing something tener problemas haciendo algo to take the trouble to do something, to go to the trouble of doing something tomarse la molestia de hacer algo the trouble with somebody/something is ... lo malo de alguien/algo es ... to be asking for trouble estar buscándose problemas what seems to be the trouble? ¿cuál es el problema? |
2. | (uncountable noun)
dolor m
[illness] enfermedad f heart trouble problemas cardiacos back trouble problemas de espalda I'm having trouble with my leg me está molestando la pierna |
3. | (uncountable noun) [violence, unpleasantness] problemas mpl |
[ˈtrʌbl]transitive verb Conjugation
1. | [worry, upset] Conjugation preocupar |
2. | [disturb, give pain to] Conjugation molestar |
plural noun
1. | [problems, worries] problemas mpl, preocupaciones fpl |
2. | POL conflicto m |