1. | [word, expression] término m |
2. | SCH |
3. | POL
mandato m
term of office mandato |
4. | [period of time]
periodo m
in the long/short term a largo/corto plazo |
[tɜ:m]transitive verb Conjugation
to term something something calificar algo de algo
plural noun
1. | [of contract, agreement] condiciones fpl |
2. | [basis]
in international/real terms en términos internacionales/reales on equal or the same terms en condiciones de igualdad to be on good terms (with somebody) mantener buenas relaciones (con alguien) to be on speaking terms (with somebody) hablarse (con alguien) to come to terms with something aceptar algo |
to think in terms of doing something pensar hacer algo |
in terms of
por lo que se refiere a