1. | [supply] reserva f |
2. | (uncountable noun)
existencias fpl
[selection] surtido m in stock en existencia, en almacén out of stock agotado ( f agotada) |
3. | FIN
[of company]
capital m
government stock papel m del estado stocks and shares acciones fpl, valores mpl |
4. | [ancestry] linaje m, estirpe f |
5. | CULIN caldo m |
6. | [livestock] ganado m, ganadería f |
to take stock (of something) evaluar (algo) |
estereotipado ( f estereotipada)
[stɒk]transitive verb Conjugation
1. | COMM abastecer de, tener en el almacén |
2. | [shelves]
Conjugation llenar
[lake] Conjugation repoblar |
stock up
intransitive verb Conjugation
to stock up (with) abastecerse (de)