sueño m
to go to sleep [doze off] dormirse
my foot has gone to sleep [become numb] se me ha dormido el pie
to put to sleep [animal] matar (a un animal que es viejo o está enfermo)
[sli:p] ( pt & pp slept )intransitive verb Conjugation
Conjugation dormir
sleep around
intransitive verb Conjugation
(inf & pej) acostarse con medio mundo
sleep in
intransitive verb Conjugation
dormir hasta tarde, levantarse tarde
sleep off
transitive verb separable Conjugation
to sleep off a hangover dormir la borrachera
sleep through
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
[alarm] no despertarse con
sleep together
intransitive verb Conjugation
Conjugation acostarse, tener relaciones sexuales
sleep with
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
(euph) acostarse con