[ʃeɪk] ( pt shook, pp shaken [ˈʃeɪkən] )transitive verb Conjugation
1. | [move vigorously]
Conjugation sacudir, Conjugation remecer (Méx)
to shake somebody's hand dar or estrechar la mano a alguien to shake hands darse or estrecharse la mano he shook hands with her le dio la mano to shake one's head [in refusal] negar con la cabeza [in disbelief] mover la cabeza mostrando incredulidad he shook his fist at them amenazar a alguien con el puño |
2. | [bottle, aerosol]
Conjugation agitar
shake well before using agitar antes de usar |
3. | [shock]
Conjugation trastornar, Conjugation conmocionar
the disaster which shook the city el desastre que sacudió la ciudad |
4. | [undermine]
Conjugation quebrantar, hacer flaquear
it shook her confidence quebrantó su confianza |
[ʃeɪk] ( pt shook, pp shaken [ˈʃeɪkən] )intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [tremble]
Conjugation temblar
to shake with fear temblar de miedo |
2. | (inf)
[shake hands]
let's shake on it venga esa mano |
[of bottle etc] sacudida f
[of head in disbelief] movimiento m de la cabeza mostrando incredulidad
[of head in disagreement] negación f con la cabeza
shake off
transitive verb separable Conjugation
[pursuer] deshacerse de
[cold] quitarse de encima
[illness] Conjugation superar
shake up
transitive verb separable Conjugation
[contents of bottle etc] Conjugation agitar
[organisation] restructurar, Conjugation reorganizar
she wasn't hurt, just a bit shaken up no resultó herida, sólo un poco conmocionada