redondo ( f redonda)
1. | [surrounding]
alrededor de
the reeds round the pond las cañas alrededor del estanque she put her arm round his shoulder le puso el brazo al hombro |
2. | [near]
cerca de
round here por aquí |
3. | [all over - the world etc]
por todo ( f
por toda)
we went round the museum dimos una vuelta por el museo |
4. | [in circular movement]
round (and round) alrededor de |
5. | [in measurements]
she's 30 inches round the waist mide 30 pulgadas de cintura |
6. | [at or to the other side of]
they were waiting round the corner esperaban a la vuelta de la esquina to drive round the corner doblar la esquina we went round the lake rodeamos el lago |
7. | [so as to avoid]
he drove round the pothole condujo esquivando el bache |
1. | [on all sides]
all round por todos lados to sit round in a circle sentarse formando un círculo |
2. | [near]
round about alrededor, en las proximidades |
3. | [all over]
to travel round viajar por ahí |
4. | [in circular movement]
she passed round a plate of biscuits pasó un plato de galletas round (and round) en redondo to go or spin round girar |
5. | [to the other side]
al otro lado
we went round to the back of the house dimos una vuelta hasta la parte de atrás de la casa |
6. | [at or to nearby place]
he came round to see us vino a vernos I'm going round to the shop voy un momento a la tienda |
1. | [of talks, drinks, sandwiches]
ronda f
a round of toast una tostada a round of applause una salva de aplausos |
2. | [in championship] vuelta f |
3. | [of doctor]
visitas fpl
[of milkman, postman] recorrido m |
4. | [of ammunition] cartucho m |
5. | [in boxing] asalto m |
6. | [in golf] vuelta f, round m |
[raʊnd]transitive verb Conjugation
Conjugation doblar
plural noun
[of doctor] visitas fpl
he's out on his rounds está visitando pacientes
[of postman] recorrido m
to do or go the rounds [joke, rumour] divulgarse
[illness] estar rodando
round off
transitive verb separable Conjugation
Conjugation terminar
round up
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | [sheep]
Conjugation recoger
[people] Conjugation reunir |
2. | MATHS redondear al alza |