1. | [music] (música f) pop m |
2. | (uncountable noun & inf) [fizzy drink] gaseosa f |
3. | (esp US & inf) [father] papá m |
4. | [sound] pequeña explosión f |
[pɒp] ( pt & pp popped, cont popping )transitive verb Conjugation
1. | [balloon, bubble] Conjugation pinchar |
2. | [put quickly]
to pop something into meter algo en he popped his head round the door asomó la cabeza por la puerta |
[pɒp] ( pt & pp popped, cont popping )intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [balloon]
Conjugation explotar, Conjugation reventar
[cork, button] Conjugation saltar |
2. | [eyes] salirse de las órbitas |
3. | [ears]
her ears popped se le destaparon los oídos |
4. | [go quickly]
I'm just popping round to the shop voy un momento a la tienda |
pop in
intransitive verb Conjugation
entrar un momento
pop up
intransitive verb Conjugation
aparecer de repente