
[of person]   nariz f
[of animal]   hocico m
[of plane, car]   morro m
 under one's nose   delante de las narices de uno
 to cut off one's nose to spite one's face  salir uno perjudicado al intentar perjudicar a otro
 to have a nose for something   tener olfato para algo
 he gets up my nose (inf)   me saca de quicio
 to keep one's nose out of something   no meter las narices en algo
 to look down one's nose at somebody/something   mirar por encima del hombro a alguien/algo
 to pay through the nose   pagar un dineral
 to poke or stick one's nose in (inf)   meter las narices
 to turn up one's nose at something   hacerle ascos a algo


nose about

intransitive verb Conjugation ,

nose around

intransitive verb Conjugation
  Conjugation curiosear

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