
[grəʊ] (     pt grew,     pp grown )
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. [generally]   Conjugation crecer
2. [become]   Conjugation volverse, Conjugation ponerse
 to grow dark   oscurecer
 to grow old   envejecer
3. [come]
 to grow to do something   llegar a hacer algo



[grəʊ] (     pt grew,     pp grown )
transitive verb Conjugation
1. [plants]   Conjugation cultivar
2. [hair, beard]   dejarse crecer


grow apart

intransitive verb Conjugation
  Conjugation distanciarse


grow into

transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
1. [clothes, shoes]   crecer lo suficiente para poder llevar
2. [become, turn into]   convertirse en


grow on

transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
 it's growing on me   me gusta cada vez más


grow out

intransitive verb Conjugation
[perm, dye]   Conjugation irse, Conjugation desaparecer


grow out of

transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
1. [become too big for]
 he has grown out of his clothes   se le ha quedado pequeña la ropa
2. [lose - habit]   Conjugation perder
 he'll grow out of it   ya se le pasará


grow up

intransitive verb Conjugation
  Conjugation crecer
 when I grow up   cuando sea mayor
 I grew up in Ireland   me crié en Irlanda
 grow up!   ¡no seas niño!

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