favour, UK

noun ,

favor, US

1. [generally]   favor m
 in somebody's favour   a favor de alguien
 to be in/out of favour (with)   ser/dejar de ser popular (con)
 to do somebody a favour   hacerle un favor a alguien
 to curry favour with somebody   tratar de congraciarse con alguien
 to rule in somebody's favour   fallar a favor de alguien
2. [favouritism]   favoritismo m


favour, UK

transitive verb Conjugation ,

favor, US

transitive verb Conjugation
1. [prefer]   decantarse por, Conjugation preferir
2. [treat better, help]   Conjugation favorecer
3. (iro) [honour]
 to favour somebody with something   honrar a alguien con algo


in favour

[in agreement]   a favor


in favour of

1. [in preference to]   en favor de
2. [in agreement with]
 to be in favour of something/of doing something   estar a favor de algo/de hacer algo

similar words

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  • Mum, … a man at the door, what does he want?