1. | [of person]
cara f,
rostro m
face to face cara a cara to fly in the face of something oponerse a algo to look somebody in the face mirar a alguien a la cara to lose face quedar mal to save face salvar las apariencias to say something to somebody's face decir algo a alguien en la cara to show one's face dejarse ver face time (US) [meeting] tiempo m de contacto personal in your face (inf) atrevido ( f atrevida) |
2. | [expression]
semblante m,
cara f
to make or pull a face hacer muecas her face fell puso cara larga |
3. | [person]
cara f
new faces caras nuevas |
4. | [of cliff, mountain, coin]
cara f
[of building] fachada f |
5. | [of clock, watch] esfera f |
6. | [appearance, nature] aspecto m |
7. | [surface]
superficie f
the face of the earth la faz de la tierra on the face of it a primera vista |
[feɪs]transitive verb Conjugation
1. | [point towards] mirar a |
2. | [confront, accept, deal with]
hacer frente a, enfrentarse a
let's face it no nos engañemos |
3. | (inf) [cope with] Conjugation aguantar, Conjugation soportar |
[feɪs]intransitive verb Conjugation
to face forwards/south mirar hacia delante/al sur
face down
boca abajo
face up
boca arriba
in the face of
[in spite of] ante
face up to
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
hacer frente a, enfrentarse a