
transitive verb Conjugation
1. [generally]
 to add something (to something)   añadir algo (a algo)
2. [numbers]   Conjugation sumar


add in

transitive verb separable Conjugation
  Conjugation añadir, Conjugation sumar


add on

transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. [to building]
 to add something on (to something)   añadir algo (a algo)
2. [to bill, total]
 to add something on (to something)   añadir or incluir algo (en algo)


add to

transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
  Conjugation aumentar, Conjugation acrecentar


add up

transitive verb separable Conjugation
[numbers]   Conjugation sumar


add up

intransitive verb Conjugation
(inf) [make sense]
 it doesn't add up   no tiene sentido


add up to

transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
  venir a ser

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