1. | [conversation] conversazione f |
2. | (uncountable noun) [gossip] voci fpl |
3. | [lecture] lezione f |
[tɔ:k]intransitive verb Conjugation
[speak] parlare
to talk to sb parlare a or con qn
to talk about sb/sthg parlare di qn/qc
talking of sb/sthg, … a proposito di qn/qc, …
to talk big vantarsi
[tɔ:k]transitive verb Conjugation
1. | [politics, business] parlare di |
2. | [nonsense] dire |
plural noun
[discussions] negoziati mpl
talk down to
transitive verb inseparable
parlare con arroganza a
talk into
transitive verb separable Conjugation
to talk sb into (doing) sthg convincere qn a fare qc
talk out of
transitive verb separable
to talk sb out of (doing) sthg dissuadere qn dal fare qc
talk over
transitive verb separable Conjugation
parlare di