1. | [sound] tonfo m |
2. | [small quantity] schizzo m |
3. | [patch] macchia f |
[splæʃ]transitive verb Conjugation
1. | [subj: person] schizzare |
2. | [subj: water] rovesciarsi su |
3. | [apply haphazardly] spargere senza cura |
[splæʃ]intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [person]
to splash about (UK) or around sguazzare |
2. | [water, liquid]
to splash on/against sthg rovesciarsi su/contro qc |
splash down
intransitive verb Conjugation
splash out
(inf)transitive verb separable Conjugation
to splash sthg out on sthg sperperare qc per qc
splash out
(inf)intransitive verb Conjugation
to splash out (on sthg) sperperare un sacco di soldi (per qc)