
auxiliary verb Conjugation
1. [indicating duty, necessity]
 we should leave now   ora dovremmo andare
2. [seeking advice, permission]
 should I go too?   dovrei andare anch'io?
3. [as suggestion]
 I should deny everything   negherei tutto
4. [indicating probability]
 she should be home soon   dovrebbe rientrare a momenti
5. [was or were expected to]
 they should have won the match   avrebbero dovuto vincere la partita
6. [as conditional]
 I should like to come with you   mi piacerebbe venire con voi
 how should I know?   e io come faccio a saperlo?
 should you be interested …   se per caso tu fossi interessato …
7. [in subordinate clauses]
 we decided that you should meet him   abbiamo deciso che lo incontrerai
8. [expressing uncertain opinion]
 I should think he's about 50 (years old)   direi che ha una cinquantina d'anni
9. (after "who" or "what") [expressing surprise]
 and who should I see but Ann!   e chi ti vedo? Ann!

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Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient.

  • I don't like … girls, they're so snobbish.