
[send] ( pt & pp sent )
transitive verb Conjugation
1. [gen]   mandare
 to send sb sthg, to send sthg to sb   mandare qc a qn
 send her my love   falle i miei saluti
 to send sb to sthg   mandare qn a qc
 to send sb for sthg   mandare qn a prendere qc
2. [letter]   spedire
3. [propel]   scagliare
4. [into specific state]
 to send sb mad   far impazzire qn
 to send sb to sleep   far addormentare qn


send back

transitive verb separable Conjugation
[person]   rimandare
[letter]   rispedire


send down

transitive verb separable Conjugation
(inf & UK)
[send to prison]   mandare in galera


send for

transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
1. [person]   mandare a chiamare
2. [by post]   ordinare per posta


send in

transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. [visitor]   far entrare
2. [troops, police, form, application]   inviare
3. [resignation]   rassegnare


send off

transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. [by post]   inviare per posta
2. (UK) sport   espellere


send off for

transitive verb inseparable
[by post]   richiedere per posta


send up

transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. [imitate]   fare la parodia di
2. (US) [send to prison]   mettere dentro

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Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient.

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