[let] ( pt & pp let, cont letting )transitive verb Conjugation
1. | [allow]
to let sb do sthg lasciar che qn faccia qc to let sthg happen lasciare che qc succeda to let go of sb/sthg lasciar andare qn/qc to let sb/sthg go [release] lasciare andare qn/qc to let sb know sthg far sapere qc a qn |
2. | (in verb forms)
let's go! andiamo! let them wait! lascia che aspettino! |
3. | (esp UK)
[rent out]
to let affittasi |
let alone
[much less] tanto meno
let down
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | [deflate] sgonfiare |
2. | [disappoint] deludere |
let in
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | [person, animal] far entrare |
2. | [air, water] lasciar passare |
let in for
transitive verb separable
to let o.s. in for sthg cacciarsi in qc
let in on
transitive verb separable
to let sb in on sthg mettere qn a parte di qc
let off
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | [excuse, allow not to do]
to let sb off sthg dispensare qn da qc |
2. | [criminal, pupil, child]
to let sb off with sthg lasciare che qn se la cavi con qc |
3. | [bomb, explosive, firework] far esplodere |
let on
intransitive verb Conjugation
not to let on non dir niente
let out
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | [person, animal] far uscire |
2. | [water, air] far passare |
3. | [sound, cry, laugh] emettere |
4. | [garment] allargare |
let up
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [heat, rain] diminuire |
2. | [person] smettere |