
[fɔ:l] ( pt fell, pp fallen )
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. [from height, from upright position]   cadere
 to fall flat [joke]   fare cilecca
2. [decrease]   calare
3. [become]
 to fall ill or sick   ammalarsi
 to fall asleep   addormentarsi
 to fall in love   innamorarsi
 to fall open   aprirsi
4. [be classified]
  to fall into groups   suddividersi in gruppi
 it doesn't fall under our jurisdiction   non rientra nella nostra giurisdizione
5. [disintegrate]
 to fall to bits or pieces   cadere a pezzi
6. [city, country]
 to fall (to sb)   cadere (nelle mani di qn)
7. [occur]
 to fall on   cadere di
 Christmas falls on a Monday this year   quest'anno Natale cade di lunedì
8. (UK) POL [constituency]
 to fall to sb   andare a qn
9. [night, silence]   scendere
10. (liter) [die]   cadere



[fɔ:l] ( pt fell, pp fallen )
1. [gen]   caduta f
2. [of snow]   nevicata f
3. [decrease]
 fall (in sthg)   calo m (in qc)
4. (US) [autumn]   autunno m



plural noun
[waterfall]   cascate fpl


fall about

intransitive verb Conjugation
(UK & inf)
 to fall about (laughing)   sbellicarsi (dalle risate)


fall apart

intransitive verb Conjugation
1. [book, chair]   andare a pezzi
2. (fig) [country, person]   andare in rovina


fall away

intransitive verb Conjugation
1. [plaster, paint]   staccarsi
2. [land, slope]   digradare


fall back

intransitive verb Conjugation


fall back on

transitive verb inseparable
[resort to]   ripiegare su


fall behind

intransitive verb
1. [in race]   rimanere indietro
2. [with rent, with work]   essere in arretrato


fall down

intransitive verb Conjugation
1. [person, picture]   cadere
[building]   crollare
2. [fail]   fallire


fall for

transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
1. (inf) [fall in love with]   prendersi una cotta per
2. [be deceived by]   credere a


fall in

intransitive verb Conjugation
1. [roof, ceiling]   crollare, cedere
2. MIL   allinearsi


fall in with

transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
[go along with]   adeguarsi a


fall off

intransitive verb Conjugation
1. [drop off]   staccarsi, cadere
2. [diminish]   diminuire


fall on

transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
1. [subj: eyes, gaze]   cadere su
2. [attack]   gettarsi su


fall out

intransitive verb Conjugation
1. [drop out]   cadere
2. [quarrel]
 to fall out (with sb)   litigare (con qn)
3. MIL   rompere le righe


fall over

transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
  inciampare in
 to be falling over o.s. to do sthg (inf)   farsi in quattro per fare qc


fall over

intransitive verb Conjugation
[lose balance]   cadere


fall through

intransitive verb Conjugation
[plan, deal]   fallire


fall to

transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
[devolve upon]   toccare a
 it falls to me to do sthg   tocca a me fare qc

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