[send] ( pt & pp sent )transitive verb Conjugation
1. | [letter, message, money]
Conjugation schicken
[signal] Conjugation senden to send sb sthg, to send sthg to sb jm etw schicken, etw an jn schicken |
2. | [tell to go]
to send sb (to) jn schicken (zu) to send sb for sthg jn nach etw schicken |
3. | [propel, to cause to move]
the fire sent sparks into the night das Feuer warf Funken in die Nacht to send sthg crashing to the ground etw zusammenstürzen lassen the explosion sent glass flying everywhere durch die Explosion flogen Glassplitter in alle Richtungen |
4. | [into a specific state]
to send sb to sleep jn zum Einschlafen bringen to send sb into a rage jn wütend machen |
send back
transitive verb separable Conjugation
Conjugation zurückschicken
send down
transitive verb separable Conjugation
[send to prison] ins Gefängnis stecken
send for
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
1. | [person] holen lassen |
2. | [by post] Conjugation anfordern |
send in
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | [visitor] hereinschicken |
2. | [troops, police] Conjugation entsenden, Conjugation schicken |
3. | [submit] Conjugation einreichen |
send off
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | [by post] Conjugation abschicken |
2. | sport [player] vom Platz verweisen |
send off for
transitive verb inseparable
[by post] schriftlich anfordern
send up
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | (UK) [imitate] Conjugation parodieren |
2. | (US) [send to prison] ins Gefängnis stecken |