1. | [regulation, guideline]
Regel die
to bend the rules die Regeln frei auslegen [by turning a blind eye] ein Auge zudrücken |
2. | [norm]
the rule die Regel as a rule in der Regel |
3. | (uncountable) [control] Herrschaft die |
4. | [ruler] Lineal das |
[ru:l]transitive verb Conjugation
1. | [control, guide] Conjugation beherrschen |
2. | [govern] Conjugation regieren |
3. | [decide]
to rule that … entscheiden, dass … |
[ru:l]intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [give decision] Conjugation entscheiden |
2. | (fml) [be paramount] Conjugation herrschen |
3. | [govern] Conjugation regieren |
rule out
transitive verb separable Conjugation
Conjugation ausschließen