[noise - of insect, machinery] Summen das, Brummen das
[ - of conversation] Gemurmel das, Stimmengewirr das
to give sb a buzz (inf) TELEC jn anrufen
[bʌz]intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [insect, machinery] Conjugation summen, Conjugation brummen |
2. | (fig)
the office was buzzing with excitement im Büro herrschte große Aufregung |
3. | [head]
Conjugation schwimmen
[thoughts] Conjugation schwirren (fig) my head was buzzing mir schwirrte der Kopf |
[bʌz]transitive verb Conjugation
[on intercom] Conjugation rufen
buzz off
intransitive verb Conjugation
buzz off! zisch ab!