Quels verbes au futur simple complètent cette phrase ?
Il … demain ; c'est du moins ce que … les services météorologiques.
The conjugator makes it possible to obtain the conjugation of all the verbs.
Particular care is required with the German verb fasten, as it has a different meaning as well as a different pronunciation to the identical English verb to fasten. In the German word the t is pronounced and has the meaning to fast. The traditional fasting period of Lent is called in German die Fastenzeit.
The English verb to fasten meaning to secure or to attach creates two problems for the German speaker, as it resembles both fasten and fassen, but can be translated by neither of these. Instead a verb such as befestigen or festmachen is needed. So the sentence I fastened the bookshelves to the wall could be rendered as Ich habe das Bücherregal an der Wand befestigt.
Quels verbes au futur simple complètent cette phrase ?
Il … demain ; c'est du moins ce que … les services météorologiques.