
verbo auxiliar Konjugation (antes de participio pasado forma la voz pasiva)
  Konjugation to be
 fue visto por un testigo   he was seen by a witness



verbo copulativo Konjugation
1. [generalmente]   Konjugation to be
 es alto/gracioso   he is tall/funny
 es azul/difícil   it's blue/difficult
 es un amigo/el dueño   he is a friend/the owner
2. [empleo, dedicación]   Konjugation to be
 soy abogado/actriz   I'm a lawyer/an actress
 son estudiantes   they're students



verbo intransitivo Konjugation
1. [generalmente]   Konjugation to be
 fue aquí   it was here
 lo importante es decidirse   the important thing is to reach a decision
 ser de [estar hecho de]   to be made of
[provenir de]   to be from
[ser propiedad de]   to belong to
[formar parte de]   to be a member of
 ¿de dónde eres?   where are you from?
 los juguetes son de mi hijo   the toys are my son's
2. [con precios, horas, números]   Konjugation to be
 ¿cuánto es?   how much is it?
 son 30 euros   that'll be 30 euros
 ¿qué (día) es hoy?   what day is it today?, what's today?
 mañana será 15 de julio   tomorrow (it) will be the 15th of July
 ¿qué hora es?   what time is it?, what's the time?
 son las tres (de la tarde)   it's three o'clock (in the afternoon), it's three (pm)
3. [servir, ser adecuado]
 ser para   to be for
 este trapo es para (limpiar) las ventanas   this cloth is for (cleaning) the windows
 este libro es para niños   this book is (meant) for children
4. (uso partitivo)
 ser de los que ...   to be one of those (people) who ...
 ése es de los que están en huelga   he is one of those on strike



verbo impersonal Konjugation
1. [expresa tiempo]   Konjugation to be
 es muy tarde   it's rather late
 era de noche/de día   it was night/day
2. [expresa necesidad, posibilidad]
 es de desear que ...   it is to be hoped that ...
 es de suponer que aparecerá   presumably, he'll turn up
3. [expresa motivo]
 es que no vine porque estaba enfermo   the reason I didn't come is that I was ill
4. (loc)
 a no ser que   unless
 como sea   one way or another, somehow or other
 de no ser por   had it not been for
 érase una vez, érase que se era   once upon a time
 no es para menos   not without reason
 o sea   that is (to say), I mean
 por si fuera poco   as if that wasn't enough



sustantivo masculino
[ente]   being
 ser humano/vivo   human/living being

Im Alphabet davor/danach

Choisissez le diminutif qui convient.

  • una siesta – una …