
pronombre personal
1. (reflexivo) [de personas]   himself ( f herself, pl themselves)
[usted mismo]   yourself ( pl yourselves)
[de cosas, animales]   itself ( pl themselves)
 se está lavando, está lavándose   she is washing (herself)
 se lavó los dientes   she cleaned her teeth
 espero que se diviertan   I hope you enjoy yourselves
 el perro se lame   the dog is licking itself
 se lame la herida   it's licking its wound
 se levantaron y se fueron   they got up and left
2. (reflexivo impersonal)   oneself
 hay que afeitarse todos los días   one has to shave every day, you have to shave every day
3. (recíproco)   each other, one another
 se aman   they love each other
 se escriben cartas   they write to each other
4. [en construcción pasiva]
 se ha suspendido la reunión   the meeting has been cancelled
 se prohíbe fumar   no smoking
 se habla inglés   English spoken
5. (impersonal)
 en esta sociedad ya no se respeta a los ancianos   in our society old people are no longer respected
 se dice que ...   it is said that ..., people say that ...
6. (en vez de le o les antes de lo, la, los o las & complemento indirecto) [generalmente]   to him ( f to her, pl to them)
[de cosa, animal]   to it ( pl to them)
[usted, ustedes]   to you
 se lo dio   he gave it to him/her etc.
 se lo dije, pero no me hizo caso   I told her, but she didn't listen
 si usted quiere, yo se lo arreglo en un minuto   if you like, I'll sort it out for you in a minute

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