
verbo intransitivo Konjugation
1. [introducirse - viniendo]   Konjugation to enter, Konjugation to come in
[ - yendo]   Konjugation to enter, Konjugation to go in
 entrar en algo   to enter something, to come/go into something
 entré por la ventana   I got in through the window
2. [penetrar - clavo etc]   Konjugation to go in
 entrar en algo   to go into something
3. [caber]
 entrar (en)   to fit (in)
 este anillo no te entra   this ring won't fit you
4. [incorporarse]
 entrar (en algo) [colegio, empresa]   to start (at something)
[club, partido político]   to join (something)
 entrar de [botones etc]   to start off as
5. [empezar]
 entrar a hacer algo   to start doing something
6. [participar]   Konjugation to join in
 entrar en [discusión, polémica]   to join in
[negocio]   to get in on
7. [estar incluido]
 entrar en   to be included in
8. [figurar]
 entrar en   to belong to
 entro en el grupo de los disconformes   I number among the dissidents
9. [estado físico o de ánimo]
 le entraron ganas de hablar   he suddenly felt like talking
 me está entrando frío   I'm getting cold
 me entró mucha pena   I was filled with pity
10. [periodo de tiempo]   Konjugation to start
 el verano entra el 21 de junio   summer starts on 21st June
 entrar en [edad, vejez]   to reach
[año nuevo]   to enter
11. [cantidad]
 ¿cuántos entran en un kilo?   how many do you get to the kilo?
12. [concepto, asignatura etc]
 no le entra la geometría   he can't get the hang of geometry
13. AUTO   Konjugation to engage
 no entra la tercera   it won't go into third gear



verbo transitivo Konjugation
1. [introducir]   Konjugation to bring in
2. [prenda de vestir]   Konjugation to take in
3. [acometer]   Konjugation to approach, Konjugation to deal with
 a ése no hay por donde entrarle   there's no way of getting through to him

Im Alphabet davor/danach

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