[ˈentəɼ]transitive verb Konjugation
1. | [generally] entrar en |
2. | [join - profession, parliament]
ingresar en [ - university] matricularse en [ - army, navy] alistarse en |
3. | [become involved in - politics etc]
meterse en [ - race, examination etc] inscribirse en |
4. | [register]
to enter something/somebody for something inscribir algo/a alguien en algo |
5. | [write down] Konjugation anotar, Konjugation apuntar |
6. | [appear in] Konjugation presentarse or aparecer en |
7. | COMPUT Konjugation introducir |
[ˈentəɼ]intransitive verb Konjugation
1. | [come or go in] Konjugation entrar |
2. | [participate]
to enter (for something) inscribirse (en algo) |
enter into
transitive verb inseparable Konjugation
entrar en
[agreement] comprometerse a
[conversation, negotiations] Konjugation entablar