verbo transitivo
1. | [trainare, tendere]
Konjugation to pull
tirare qn fuori da qc to pull sb out of sthg tirare fuori qc [estrarre] to take sthg out [menzionare] to come out with sthg tirare giù qc da qc to get sthg down from sthg tirare su qn [incoraggiare] to cheer sb up tirare le orecchie a qn (fig) to give sb a dressing-down |
2. | [lanciare] Konjugation to throw |
3. | [sferrare]
to let fly with
tirare un colpo [sparare] to fire a shot |
4. | [tracciare] Konjugation to draw |
5. | [pronunciare] Konjugation to hurl |
6. | [stampare] Konjugation to print |
tirare in ballo qn/qc
to drag sb/sthg in
tirare le somme to sum up tirarla per le lunghe to drag sthg out |
verbo intransitivo
1. | [proseguire]
tirare avanti to keep going tirare dritto to keep on going |
2. | [soffiare]
Konjugation to blow
che aria tira? what's the atmosphere like? |
3. | [camino, pipa] Konjugation to draw |
4. | sport
tirare di scherma to fence tirare in porta to shoot at goal |
tirare a indovinare to guess |
verbo riflessivo
tirarsi indietro (fig) to back out
tirarsi su [alzarsi] to pick o.s. up
[farsi coraggio] to cheer up