[du:] ( pt did )auxiliary verb Konjugation
1. | (in negatives)
don't leave it there no lo dejes ahí I didn't want to see him no quería verlo |
2. | (in questions)
what did he want? ¿qué quería? do you think she'll come? ¿crees que vendrá? |
3. | (referring back to previous verb)
do you think so? — yes, I do ¿tú crees? — sí she reads more than I do lee más que yo so do I/they yo/ellos también |
4. | (in question tags)
you know her, don't you? la conoces, ¿no? I annoyed you, didn't I? te molesté, ¿verdad? so you think you can dance, do you? así que te crees que sabes bailar, ¿no? |
5. | (for emphasis)
I did tell you but you've forgotten sí que te lo dije, pero te has olvidado do come in ¡pase, por favor! |
[du:] ( pt did, pp done )transitive verb Konjugation
1. | [generally]
Konjugation hacer
she does aerobics/gymnastics hace aerobic/gimnasia to do the cooking/cleaning hacer la comida/limpieza to do one's hair peinarse to do one's teeth lavarse los dientes he did his duty cumplió con su deber what can I do for you? ¿en qué puedo servirle? they do cheap meals for students dan or hacen comidas baratas para estudiantes what can we do? ¿qué le vamos a hacer? we'll have to do something about that tree tendremos que hacer algo con ese árbol |
2. | [have particular effect]
Konjugation causar, Konjugation hacer
to do more harm than good hacer más mal que bien |
3. | [referring to job]
what do you do? ¿a qué te dedicas? |
4. | [study]
Konjugation hacer
I did physics at school hice física en la escuela |
5. | [travel at a particular speed]
ir a
the car can do 110 mph el coche alcanza las 110 millas por hora |
6. | [be good enough for]
will that do you? ¿te vale eso? that'll do me nicely eso me viene estupendamente |
[du:] ( pt did, pp done )intransitive verb Konjugation
1. | [generally]
Konjugation hacer
do as she says haz lo que te dice they're doing really well les va muy bien he could do better lo podría hacer mejor how did you do in the exam? ¿qué tal te salió el examen? you would do well to reconsider harías bien en volverlo a pensar |
2. | [be good enough, sufficient]
Konjugation servir, Konjugation valer
this kind of behaviour won't do ese tipo de comportamiento no es aceptable that will do (nicely) con eso vale that will do! [showing annoyance] ¡basta ya! |
how do you do?
greeting ¿cómo está usted?
answer mucho gusto |
[party] fiesta f
( pl dos or do's )plural noun
dos and don'ts normas fpl básicas
do away with
transitive verb inseparable
[disease, poverty] acabar con
[law, reforms] Konjugation suprimir
do down
transitive verb separable Konjugation
to do somebody down menospreciar a alguien
to do oneself down menospreciarse
do for
transitive verb inseparable Konjugation
these kids will do for me estos críos van a terminar conmigo
I thought I was done for creí que me moría
do in
transitive verb separable Konjugation
(inf) [kill] Konjugation cargarse, cepillarse
[beat up] inflar a palos
do out of
transitive verb separable Konjugation
to do somebody out of something estafar algo a alguien
do over
transitive verb separable Konjugation
(US) volver a hacer
do up
transitive verb separable Konjugation
1. | [fasten - shoelaces, tie]
Konjugation atar [ - coat, buttons] Konjugation abrochar do your shoes up átate los zapatos do your coat up abróchate el abrigo |
2. | [decorate]
Konjugation renovar, redecorar
to do oneself up arreglarse |
3. | [wrap up] Konjugation envolver |
do with
transitive verb inseparable Konjugation
1. | [need]
I could do with a drink/new car no me vendría mal una copa/un coche nuevo |
2. | [have connection with]
that has nothing to do with it eso no tiene nada que ver (con ello) it's something to do with the way he speaks tiene que ver con su forma de hablar |
do without
transitive verb inseparable
pasar sin
I can do without your sarcasm podrías ahorrarte tu sarcasmo
do without
intransitive verb