verbo transitivo Konjugation
1. | [generalmente]
Konjugation to load
[pluma, mechero] Konjugation to refill |
2. | [peso encima] to throw over one's shoulder |
Konjugation to charge
INFORM Konjugation to load |
4. | (figurado)
[responsabilidad, tarea]
Konjugation to give, to lay upon
cargar a alguien de deudas to encumber somebody with debts |
5. | (familiar & figurado) [molestar] Konjugation to annoy |
6. | [producir pesadez - suj: humo]
to make stuffy [ - suj: comida] to bloat |
7. | [gravar]
cargar un impuesto a algo/alguien to tax something/somebody |
8. | [importe, factura, deuda]
cargar algo (a) to charge something (to) cárguelo a mi cuenta charge it to my account |
verbo intransitivo Konjugation
1. | [recaer]
cargar sobre alguien to fall on somebody |
2. | [atacar]
cargar (contra) to charge |
cargar con
verbo intransitivo
1. | [paquete etc] Konjugation to carry away |
2. | (figurado)
[coste, responsabilidad]
Konjugation to bear
[consecuencias] Konjugation to accept [culpa] Konjugation to get |
verbo pronominal Konjugation
1. | (familiar) [romper] Konjugation to break |
2. | (familiar) [suspender] Konjugation to fail |
3. | (familiar)
[matar - persona]
Konjugation to bump off [ - animal] Konjugation to kill |
4. | [de humo] to get stuffy |
5. | [colmarse]
cargarse de to be loaded down with |
to become charged
INFORM Konjugation to load |
7. | (loc)
¡te la vas a cargar! (familiar) you're in for it! |