1. | [movement]
movimento m
on the move in movimento to get a move on (inf) darsi una mossa |
2. | [to new place] trasloco m |
3. | [to new job] cambiamento m |
4. | [in board game - turn to play]
turno m
[ - action] mossa f |
5. | [course of action] passo m, mossa f |
[mu:v]transitive verb Konjugation
1. | [shift - bed, car]
spostare [ - chesspiece] muovere |
2. | [house, job] cambiare |
3. | [affect emotionally] commuovere |
4. | [propose]
to move that … proporre che … |
5. | (fml)
to move sb to do sthg indurre qn a fare qc |
[mu:v]intransitive verb Konjugation
1. | [shift] muoversi |
2. | [act] agire |
3. | [to new house]
[to new job] cambiare lavoro |
move about
intransitive verb Konjugation
→ move around
move along
transitive verb separable Konjugation
fare spostare
move along
intransitive verb Konjugation
move around
intransitive verb Konjugation
1. | [fidget] agitarsi |
2. | [travel] andare in giro |
move away
intransitive verb Konjugation
move in
transitive verb separable Konjugation
[troops] fare avanzare
move in
intransitive verb Konjugation
1. | [to new house] traslocare |
2. | [troops, army] intervenire |
3. | [business competitors] entrare in campo |
move off
intransitive verb Konjugation
[train, bus, car] partire
move on
transitive verb separable Konjugation
fare spostare
move on
intransitive verb Konjugation
1. | [to new place] spostarsi |
2. | [in discussion] passare oltre |
move out
transitive verb separable Konjugation
[troops] allontanare
move out
intransitive verb Konjugation
[from house] traslocare
move over
intransitive verb Konjugation
move up
intransitive verb Konjugation
[on seat] far posto