
[raɪt] ( pt wrote, pp written )
transitive verb Konjugation
1. [gen]   Konjugation schreiben
 to write sb a letter   jm einen Brief schreiben
2. [cheque, prescription]   Konjugation ausstellen
3. COMPUT   Konjugation speichern



[raɪt] ( pt wrote, pp written )
intransitive verb Konjugation
1. [gen]   Konjugation schreiben
 to write to sb (UK)   jm schreiben
2. COMPUT   Konjugation abspeichern


write back

transitive verb separable & intransitive verb Konjugation


write down

transitive verb separable Konjugation
  Konjugation aufschreiben


write in

intransitive verb Konjugation
[to radio or TV station, shop]   Konjugation schreiben


write into

transitive verb separable
 to write sthg into a contract   etw in einen Vertrag aufnehmen


write off

transitive verb separable Konjugation
1. [project]   Konjugation aufgeben
2. [debt, investment, person]   Konjugation abschreiben
3. (UK & inf) [vehicle]   zu Schrott fahren


write off

intransitive verb Konjugation
 to write off to sb   jn anschreiben
 to write off for sthg   etw anfordern


write out

transitive verb separable Konjugation
[names]   Konjugation aufschreiben
[list]   Konjugation aufstellen


write up

transitive verb separable Konjugation
[notes]   Konjugation ausarbeiten

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