1. | [gen] Land das |
2. | [property] Land das, Boden der |
[lænd]transitive verb Konjugation
1. | [plane] Konjugation landen |
2. | [cargo]
Konjugation löschen
[passengers] Konjugation absetzen |
3. | [fish] an Land ziehen |
4. | (inf) [job, contract] Konjugation kriegen |
5. | (inf)
to land sb in trouble/jail jn in Schwierigkeiten/ins Gefängnis bringen |
6. | (inf)
to land sb with sb/sthg jm jn/etw aufhalsen |
[lænd]intransitive verb Konjugation
1. | [plane, passenger]
Konjugation landen
[from ship] an Land gehen |
2. | [fall] Konjugation fallen |
land up
intransitive verb Konjugation
(inf) [in place] Konjugation landen
[in situation] Konjugation enden