[ˈkaʊnsəl] ( (UK) pt & pp counselled, cont counselling ) ( (US) pt & pp counseled, cont counseling )noun
1. | (uncountable & fml) [advice] Rat der |
2. | [lawyer]
Rechtsanwalt der, Rechtsanwältin die
counsel for the defence Verteidiger der, Verteidigerin die counsel for the prosecution Anklagevertreter der, Anklagevertreterin die |
[ˈkaʊnsəl] ( (UK) pt & pp counselled, cont counselling ) ( (US) pt & pp counseled, cont counseling )transitive verb Konjugation
Konjugation beraten
to counsel sb to do sthg (fml) jm raten, etw zu tun