
[brɪŋ] ( pt & pp brought )
transitive verb Konjugation
1. [take along]   Konjugation mitbringen
[move]   Konjugation bringen
 to bring sb good luck   jm Glück bringen
2. [cause]   führen zu
 to bring sthg to an end   etw zu Ende bringen
 to bring sthg into being   etw ins Leben rufen
3. LAW
 to bring charges against sb   jn anklagen
 to bring sb to trial   jn vor Gericht stellen
4. (phrase)
 I couldn't bring myself to do it   ich konnte es nicht über mich bringen


bring about

transitive verb separable Konjugation
  Konjugation verursachen


bring along

transitive verb separable Konjugation
  Konjugation mitbringen


bring around

transitive verb separable
[make conscious]   zu Bewusstsein bringen


bring back

transitive verb separable Konjugation
1. [return]   Konjugation zurückbringen
2. [shopping, gift]   Konjugation mitbringen
3. [reinstate - custom]   wieder einführen
[ - government]   wieder an die Macht bringen
4. [cause to remember]
 to bring back memories   Erinnerungen wachrufen


bring down

transitive verb separable Konjugation
1. [shoot down - plane]   Konjugation abschießen
2. [government, tyrant]   Konjugation stürzen
3. [prices]   Konjugation senken
 to bring the house down   stürmischen Beifall ernten


bring forward

transitive verb separable Konjugation
1. [meeting, election]   Konjugation vorverlegen
2. [in bookkeeping]   übertragen


bring in

transitive verb separable Konjugation
1. [introduce]   Konjugation einführen
2. [earn]   Konjugation einbringen
3. [involve]   Konjugation einschalten
4. [verdict]   Konjugation fällen


bring off

transitive verb separable Konjugation
[plan]   in die Tat umsetzen
[deal]   zustande bringen
 you'll never bring it off   das schaffst du nie


bring on

transitive verb separable Konjugation
[cause]   Konjugation hervorrufen
 you brought it on yourself   das hast du dir selber zuzuschreiben


bring out

transitive verb separable Konjugation
1. [new product, book]   Konjugation herausbringen
2. [reveal - flavour]   Konjugation betonen
 to bring sthg out in sb [characteristic]   etw in jm wachrufen


bring round

transitive verb separable Konjugation ,

bring to

transitive verb separable Konjugation
→ bring around


bring up

transitive verb separable Konjugation
1. [child]   Konjugation erziehen
 I was brought up in Liverpool   ich bin in Liverpool aufgewachsen
2. [subject]   Konjugation ansprechen
 did you have to bring that up again?   komm mir doch nicht schon wieder damit!
3. [food]   Konjugation erbrechen

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