verbo transitivo Coniugazione
1. | [costar - precio]
Coniugazione to cost
[tener un valor de] to be worth ¿cuánto vale? [de precio] how much does it cost?, how much is it? |
2. | [ocasionar] Coniugazione to earn |
3. | [merecer] Coniugazione to deserve, to be worth |
4. | [equivaler] to be equivalent o equal to |
verbo intransitivo Coniugazione
1. | [merecer aprecio]
to be worthy
hacerse valer to show one's worth |
2. | [servir]
valer para algo to be for something eso aún vale you can still use that ¿para qué vale? what's it for? |
3. | [ser válido]
to be valid
[en juegos] to be allowed |
4. | [ayudar] Coniugazione to help, to be of use |
5. | [tener calidad]
to be of worth
no valer nada to be worthless o useless |
6. | [equivaler]
valer por to be worth |
7. | (loc)
más vale tarde que nunca better late than never más vale que te calles/vayas it would be better if you shut up/left ¿vale? okay?, all right? ¡vale! okay!, all right! ¡vale (ya)! that's enough! |
sustantivo masculino
worth, value
verbo pronominal Coniugazione
1. | [servirse]
valerse de algo/alguien to use something/somebody |
2. | [desenvolverse]
valerse (por sí mismo) to manage on one's own |
3. | (Méx & loc)
¡no se vale! that's not fair! |