
pronombre demostrativo
(neutro)   that
 eso es la Torre Eiffel   that's the Eiffel Tower
 eso es lo que yo pienso   that's just what I think
 eso que propones es irrealizable   what you're proposing is impossible
 eso de vivir solo no me gusta   I don't like the idea of living on my own
 ¡eso, eso!   that's right!, yes!
 ¡eso es!   that's it
 ¿cómo es eso?, ¿y eso? [¿por qué?]   how come?
 para eso es mejor no ir   if that's all it is, you might as well not go
 por eso vine   that's why I came


a eso de

locución preposicional
  (at) about o around


en eso

locución adverbial
  just then, at that very moment


y eso que

locución conjuntiva
  even though

Parole vicine

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