
verbo intransitivo
1. [gen]
 rispondere a qn/qc   to answer sb/sthg
 rispondere di sì/no   to answer yes/no
 rispondere (al telefono)   to answer (the phone)
2. [a lettera]
 rispondere a qc   to reply to sthg, to answer sthg
3.  rispondere a qc [annuncio]   to reply to sthg
[appello]   to answer sthg
4. [a saluto, cenno]
 rispondere a qc   to return sthg
5. [obbedire]
 rispondere a qc   to respond to sthg
6. [rendere conto]
 rispondere a qn di qc   to answer to sb for sthg
 non rispondere delle proprie azioni   not to be responsible for one's actions
7. [a bisogni]
 rispondere a qc   to meet sthg
8. [alla verità]
 rispondere a qc   to correspond to sthg



verbo transitivo
  Coniugazione to answer
 ha risposto che…   she replied (that)…

Parole vicine

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  • Je voudrais une chambre avec salle de bain.